Magnetic Oil Pump Screen. Fits Twin Cam 1999-2017.


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The Twin Cam Oil Pump Screens were designed for OEM oil pumps. The screens protect the oil pump and cam plate from debris off the chain -tensioners or other particles that may come loose in a twin cam engine. They are great to put in when doing a cam bearing job. You don’t always know when you remove the cams if the inner cam bearings are intact. Sometimes one little roller may drop into the center section of your engine. This roller may be sucked up through the pump, ruining a $600 pump and camplate. With these screens, it will catch the roller and hold it until the next service on the tensioner. The screens are easy to install and to clean.

Questions Asked: What happens when the screens plug? The oil will not scavenge out of the engine. Oil will eventually come out of the air cleaner. This is telling you that something is coming apart in the engine and it is time to service the cam area.

Do the screens cause restrictions? No – in testing, the engine returned the same amount of oil back to the oil tank in an allotted amount of time. It was determined that the screens deaerated the oil more. Thus, about a 5-10 degree oil temperature drop occurs.