Features & Benefits:-* Great Way to Improve Performance at a reasonable Price.* Reuses many of the Original Components.* Reliable Easy Starts on any engine using stock starter.* Save your starter and battery, automatic no buttons to push.* Designed for 106ci or Bigger Modified Engines with 10.0 to 11.0 Compression works best with Ported Heads.* Best…
Features & Benefits:-* Great Way to Improve Performance at a reasonable Price.* Quick Installation – Reuses many of the Original Components.* Reliable Easy Starts on any engine using stock starter.* Save your starter and battery, automatic no buttons to push.* Designed for 95ci & Larger Engines with 10.0 to 10.75 Compression & Ported Heads* Amazing…
594 CAMS – Fierce performing camshaft for an array of engines sizes, large displacement 103, 110 & 124 engines looking for a superior torque band with excellent horsepower gains in heavy bikes (RPM 2,200 – 6,250.) Smaller high revving displacement 95 style engines in lighter bikes looking to twist the throttle and tap into some…
587-HS: This cam was designed and optimized to be the best bolt-in cam for the OEM 110ci platform, dramatically increasing power and torque across the entire RPM range. Unlike many other cams, the 587 was designed to work with the larger valves and heavier springs that the CVO engines are equipped with. Specially designed cam…
Features & Benefits:-* Eliminates Timing Chain Lash – Improves Valve Timing Accuracy.* No Tensioner Shoes to wear Out or Fail.* Reduces Drag on engine – adds Horsepower.* Reliable Easy Starts on any engine using stock starter.* Save your starter and battery, automatic no buttons to push.* Designed for 88ci-106ci Engines with 9.7 to 10.5 Compression…
A very popular grind and power favorite for many engine builders of hopped up modified engines with added compression and a great bolt in choice for higher compression 103 Twin Cooled Models. The RS575 is a great cam if you need a bolt-in now, with serious plans on upgrading for more compression or increased flow…
Chris RivasÂ’ Rocket Cams for Big Twins!Features & Benefits:-* Powerful street/cruising bolt-in cams* Best power with free-flow air cleaner and performance exhaust* Designed for 96ci – 107ci Engines with stock compression ratio or up to 10:1. * Above average mid-range power* Peak performance at 1500 to 5800 rpm * Designed as a Bolt-in on Twin…
Features & Benefits:-* Great Way to Improve Performance at a reasonable Price.* Quick Installation – Reuses many of the Original Components.* Reliable Easy Starts on any engine using stock starter.* Save your starter and battery! Automatic no buttons to push.* Designed for 88ci-103ci Engines with Stock to 10.0 Compression & Stock or Mildly Ported Heads.*…
Features & Benefits:-* Great Way to Improve Performance at a reasonable Price.* Quick Installation – Reuses many of the Original Components.* Designed for 88ci-103ci Engines with Stock to 10.0 Compression & Stock or Mildly Ported Heads.* Increases Top end Horse Power & Torque – best results 3300-5700.* Horsepower Cam for 103ci, Pulls hard & fast…
Features & Benefits:-* Great Way to Improve Performance at a reasonable Price.* Quick Installation – Reuses many of the Original Components.* Reliable Easy Starts on any engine using stock starter.* Save your starter and battery, automatic no buttons to push.* Designed for 96ci-106ci Engines with Stock to 10.0 Compression & Stock or Mildly Modified Touring…
543 CAMS – The Freeway Flyer, a great camshaft for those who want more top end power than our 525 cam. Extremely smooth cam lobe layout maintains quiet valve-train and produces the smoothest cruise power band available. Excellent bolt in camshaft for stock to mild 103 engines. This cam is easy starting, increases throttle response…
For Quiet Engine operation and power when riding Double, through the Mountains, No Problem! The Red Shift Cams RS528 cams are the perfect grind for your larger 96, 103 Harley-Davidson engine. These cams take a stock engine and turn it into an extremely fun to ride, quick to accelerate performance machine. These cams are the…